Project Development Standards
Asia Pacific Carbon develops projects in conformance with the following standards:
- VCS (Verified Carbon Standard)
- The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) was founded to provide a robust quality assurance standard that projects could use to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and issue credits in the form of VCUs for use in voluntary carbon markets.
- CDM (Clean Development Mechanism)
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects allow industrialised "Annex 1" countries to invest in emission reduction projects such as renewable energy, energy efficiency and fuel switching in developing countries. Like other carbon credits they are calculated in terms of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). CDM projects generate CERs that can be sold into the world's various compliance markets.
- CCBA (Climate, Community, and Biodiversity Alliance) for forestry products
- The Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA) is a partnership among research institutions, corporations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to develop forest conservation standards based on public comments and field-testing. The CCBA is one of several independent organizations that review carbon projects for accreditation. Projects accredited under CCBA do not generate carbon credits in and of themselves but VCU generating forest projects can add value by also adhering to the CCBA standards.
- GSF (Gold Standard Foundation)
- The Gold Standard is a certification standard for renewable energy and energy efficiency carbon mitigation projects, and is highly regarded in both the compliance and voluntary carbon markets. All Gold Standard projects must demonstrate both GHG reductions and sustainable development benefits in local communities.